

The first time I heard myself say I can't stand these new haircuts the boys are wearing, they are too poofy or their bangs are so long you can't see their eyes, I knew I had officially left rebelville and moved into appropriateland.  This is why people have mid-life crises.  You wake up one morning spewing forth words and phrases that not too long ago gave you hives.  How did I get here?

Back to the haircuts, but first this disclaimer.  **I HAVE NOT READ ANY OF THE TWILIGHT BOOKS, NOR HAVE I SEEN THE MOVIE.**  So forgive me as I use the following demigod to illustrate a good style idea gone wrong.

See, even he's not that thrilled with it.  It takes a lot of product to get that kind of lift.  I am glad he had it cut recently.  He must have seen a little bit of himself in the same photo I did and decided that wasn't going to flip the switch for tweeners and housewives much longer.  Girls like a head of hair they can run their finger through, not one that snags your sweater or provides refuge for a small flock of sparrows.

Maybe if I saw the movie I would get it.  Maybe I'm really "out of it."  Up until 10 min. ago I thought his name was Robert Patterson.

EXHIBIT B                                  EXHIBIT C


peewee said...

robert patterson!! HAHHHAHAHA! Damn you're old!

Brecken said...

Eve!!! Love all your posts. Quite hilarious! I'm excited to read it regularly....so don't stop!